For a signed copy, mention that when you order through Butler Books or contact me!
My book is available at Carmichael's in Louisville, on Amazon, and at

For a signed copy, mention that when you order through Butler Books or contact me!
My book is available at Carmichael's in Louisville, on Amazon, and at
I was born in Kentucky, raised outside New York City and worked in L.A, Hawaii, and Asia. My father was in the FBI and my mother was basically a saint. I have two brothers that I am fortunate to have great relationships with. I have a beautiful wife, three kids (that are almost all grown up now), two dogs, and a grand-dog. I enjoy riding my bike, watching my son play volleyball, puppy-sitting my daughter's pug, and driving around in my 1955 Thunderbird.
I have over thirty years of experience in local & federal law enforcement, currently a Private Bodyguard & Security Consultant.
God changed my journey and I became an Ordained Deacon and Police Chaplain.
Because I'm grateful for everything God has given me and my family, I'm trying to give back to worthwhile causes.
Two of my favorite charities are:
Kids Cancer Alliance and
St Mary's Center
I have been supporting both with my time and money for about 20 years.
As a Police Chaplain, I'm called to the scene of unexpected deaths to offer any spiritual help to anyone who might need it. As a Deacon, I'm invited to be a part of special moments in peoples lives. I enjoy being there for helping families celebrate Mass, baptisms, weddings and funerals.
My book, "SneakinDeacon" is about being a Police officer, Secret Service Agent, Deacon/Police Chaplain and a look at how cancer has impacted my life in several ways. Real life stories behind the scenes of these great careers in the U.S. and stories from around the world.
Please contact me if you would like me to come speak to your group or personalize books for anyone.
"Just a fascinating read about a fascinating man! A true patriot and hero, in more ways than one!"
"Great & enjoyable story of a unique guy!"
"This is a great read about a fascinating career! Check it out! Lots of references to Louisville area landmarks that you will know!"
"Nice READ! Greg provides an interesting recap of a life well lived."
"Sneakin Deacon, you have led a very intriguing life and continue to do so (preaching at the Vatican!). Loved the book and bought a 2nd one for a gift. It’s an easy read with short snippets of your everyday life in the secret service. Thank you for sharing your story and especially for your service."
"Buy the book asap. Proceeds go to kids with cancer. I could not put the book down. Fascinating!"
Monday - Saturday: I doze, but never close
Sunday: God's day